Thursday, February 08, 2007

"My Christmas Vacation"

Haha! Do you remember being in elemetary school and having to write mini stories on your Christmas or summer I despised those! Anyway, how sad is it that it is now February and I am just now posting this?....(sigh)..... but I figured you all would want every detail of my life! We all know what I'm like when it comes to details within a story! :)

Anyhow, let's see how much I can remember.....I'll make this post rather brief in order to get to the more "up to date" issues that are ever so pressing in my have no idea of all the events that occur in the run of a day within Caronport...we are a booming town I tell never know what's going to take place.....anyway.....

I arrived home just in time for our Christmas banquet. Landed in Moncton, went to my friend's place, surprised her and then off to the banquet!

While I was there, I made some new friends!...

Overall it was a great evening relaxing with family and friends! It was so nice to arrive home where everything seems so familiar and relaxing!...did I mention the relaxing aspect of it all!? :)

Ok, next up.....

Yes that's right, I hadn't even been in the province for 72 hrs and they were already demanding my life support! They wanted my blood!!!!! This little incident wins the title of

Ok, I've had enough....let's move folks!...I mean you were all there!