Friday, December 29, 2006


Ethan and Sydney come home tomorrow! They went to Newfoundland 10 DAYS ago for Christmas and I will be anxiously awaiting their arrivel! I mean who wouldn't? Look at them -they're absolutely ADORABLE!!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Seeing as my last blog "wasn't worth commenting on", maybe you'd like to comment on this!!!!!!

Hey...wait a that your other eye??

Lil' Bit of A Situation Here

So um, yeah, this pic really needs so much explaining yet, none at all. So um, yeah....our tree fell down. I um, decorated it and finished at around 1am only to have my dad knock it down at 3am. Loads of fun my friends! haha The whole thing was rather amusing really...I was already in bed when it happened but I heard everything. I thought for a moment that maybe Santa had come early!!!!!!!Anyway, I heard the sound of the tree and ornaments hitting the carpet, followed by my dad yelling to my mom and explaining how the tree fell. After that came the snickering from my brother as he sat only inches away from me on my computer while trying to remain quiet for fear of waking me up. And then comes the lovely "talk" my dad tries to have with me the next morning....I spared him the agony and blurted out, "You knocked the tree down didn't you dad". As he stared at me with this sad, blank look in his eyes, I couldn't help but burst into laughter over the matter! He quickly joined me as I expalined that I didn't care at all and I would have that puppy decorated again in no time! Ah, and here it is again. A bit tathered due to its fall but still so beautiful. haha
I'M HOME!!!!!!!

Ok so I've been home for about a week now so I know that this post is long overdue but really, my blog was the last thing on my mind! It's wonderful to be home! I'm already looking forward to coming home in April! :)

So I decided to surprise some people (mostly my best friend Debra-Lee) by coming home a few days early! Boy was that a success! The reactions were a lot fun! I'll spare you all the details guys! :) But yeah, I made it home and it feels wonderful!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I Dedicate this Post
to My Wonderful Roomie -Jacquie
(a.k.a. Jax)

My dearest roomate left me this morning as she drove off into the horizon of Saskatchewan.
Our parting could've been worse but luckily I held myself together.
She will forever remain dear to my heart as long as I am alive.

My dearest Jacquie
This is for you my friend

(Just a little sidenote here: Um...Jaxter drove into a ditch on her way home. I tried to talk her out of leaving but she wouldn't listen, she wanted to be home for church so I let her go unto the glassy streets of Caronport. She left at 6am and called me at 7:45am from a ditch! Of course she was laughing her head off at the whole situation as I was reacting like her mother! Anyway, she was perfectly ok and had a 'Toe' on the way.)

So dearest Jacqueline!

Christmas Time is Here

We had our Christmas...thing? the other night. It was rather interesting. I mean really, we just kinda all hung out as bands took there turn playing without us really paying any attention. Jan and I took it upon ourselves to amuse each other as we marched around taking either really weird photos with people with knew...or really weird photos with people we didn't know...ok, I did the weird photos with people we knew and Janet did weird photos with people she didn't know, (I got to be the photographer). I must say, it was a great way to meet lots of new people!


Some girls are lovely

Some girls are not

Chantal and Janet are

And to me they mean a lot

They're always laughing and joking

They like to have a good time

They still hang out with me

Even though I sometimes cross the line

Janet, you need a motherboard

Chantal, you like molasses

I enjoy everytime we are together

As our year so quickly passes

What does this year have left for us?

For us, what will happen next?

I'm not too sure what you girls think

But this year you have made my best!

Poet: Jeffrey Micheal McElroy

Aw, thanks buddy!

Chan & Jan

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Special Delivery!"

So my big bro came to vist me this week! What a surprise!!....well not really. I've been awaiting this day for a couple of weeks now! So I was a little overly excited about this isit as you can see from my photos here!...I know I look like a geek....(or do you think I look like an "idiot"- Lisa! haha) Anyway, he was really chilled at first and couldn't handle the cold for the first couple of days but once he got the hang of dressing in mutiple layers, wearing a hat and coat with his hood on and pretty much running from one area to another, he was fine!

He's getting along great with my friends which makes me super happy! Sometimes he hangs out with them without me!

One thing that needs to be mentioned is that he beat Janet (our undefeated female champ) in his third game of slaps!....she too it quite well! :)

Of course we were having some fun of our own at times!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


(that's a t.v. show for those of you who don't know! (Janet!)

Hey guys look at Jeff's car! Ok, so I may be a little sheltered and possibly a tad bit unexperienced when it comes to the real world but regardless of all of that, this is really cool!...sad thing is, I don't really know the name of this car, nor do I know anything of real expertise or importance...all I know is that he recently imported it from Japan and THE STEERING WHEEL IS ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE!!!!!...oh yeah, it's the equivalent to some sort of Lexus here!

Being the intense loser that I am, I was thrilled to be in this thing!...I was pretending that I was in England....ok yeah, no, not really! But, it was fun! Admit it, you would've been pretty intrigued as well my friends!!!

We went for a drive to Moose Jaw to get water so that Janet and I would not dehydrate! We'd been out of water for a few days and thought that maybe that could be an excuse to experience this beast! We had a great time! We stopped at McDonald's for a little snack....who buys ice cream in Saskatchewan this time of year anyway??

Friday, November 03, 2006

This picture cracks me up because Janet looks as though she just won this car on the "Price is Right"! We were having too much fun! We needed to bring down my stress level somehow...(that story will be told in the next blog! but I will say this, sometimes I really wonder if I'm blonde!!)

We decided that McDonald's was a good choice! yeah, of course those of you who were anywhere near me this summer know my "Big Mac" issue...luckily, I did not get a big mac! Remember when I told you (in previous blogs) that Janet and I were really lame when we got together?????....yeah well, now there's three of us! (Jan's behind the cam!)

So yeah, back to the car eh! Does this mean anyhing to anyone out there? Personally, I don't see what's so spectacular but this is my gift to all you guys out there that get some sort of thrill out of looking under people's hoods!
Random Car pics for your enjoyment!...and mine!




Finally, after much discussion and part-time prayer, Jeff and I decided that we could probably make this work. He's going to be a pastor and I'm going to be a music director...We're going to pull off that tacky "pastor coming to speak and surprise his wife is going to sing!" thing....but it's ok because we'll have a NICE CAR!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm Beating Them Off Like Crazy!!

That's right folks I'm picking up already! How's that for a record -A guy from upstairs baked me double chocolate "heart-shaped" cookies!! That's right. Look closely...yes indeed they are heart-shaped! After confessing his undying love, serenading me with song, sweeping me off my feet into the anyone else's gag reflex kicking in as strongly as mine yet? haha ok so, everything was true accept the whole 'confessing his undying love for me'...and maybe the part where I said he 'serenaded me with song'...ok, so the only truthful part was that he baked me cookies! I have a picture to prove it!

Here we are! Me and "Tyker" with our cookies! I was super impressed that he would go through the trouble of making these cookies all for me and he even formed them into little hearts because he didn't have a cookie cutter. I mean that is dedication my friends. This is....ok, ok, ok!!! I can't go on any longer with these lies! The truth is, these cookies were not just for me. I was just trying to add some excitement to my life for you all! hahaha? Here's the truth!

Tyler actually made these cookies for me and Janet!...we might have asked for them but not really. We like to leave Tyler little notes around his room when he's not there! (Like I said earlier, we're lame when we're together!!) So yeah, we left him a little note saying that he owed us heart-shaped cookies for our 2 Month Anniversary! (We don't actually know the date, we just made it up!)

We were so impressed (yet shocked) that he actualy made these cookies! Did I mention that he's taking a Modular this week and he's in class from 8-4pm! Yeah that's right but this is indeed True Friendship! I hope that you all learn something from this! Two months (almost) of this wonderful friendship between the three of us and we get the love of a friend through heart-shaped cookies (DOUBLE CHOCOLATE)! How long have some of you known me? I have never in my life received cookies from any of you! haha I'm only kidding! This was hilarious!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


This is my "quadmate" Janet! (a.k.a. "Jan") As you can see she is a little crazy! I don't know if you can tell or not but she was "hooked on Phonics" but it just wasn't working out for her! :)We get along great and thoroughly enjoy being absolutely rediculous together!

This is Tyler! (a.k.a "Tyker") He's great to have around because he laughs at just about everything! He's also got a "nose" on him for finding any secret stash of "baked goods"!

Meet Ann! (a.k.a. "Coralee") Yet another quadmate -Rarely around but when she is, she's usually singing something like "Oh Danny Boy!" She loves laughing...
even when we have no idea what's going on! :) and she has a kindheart...
especially when me and banana muffins are involved! ;)

Ah yes, Jayson! (a.k.a. "Jay") A very interesting character. He believes everything that comes out of my mouth! I love it! HA. Ask him sometime for a lesson on when flowers sleep and "wake up"! (Yes girls, he is single and looking!)

Alas! My roomate Jacquie (a.k.a. Jax!) Don't be fooled friends! She may look innocent but let me put it this way, her favourite song is the theme song for Capitol One "Hands in my Pocket" She loves to do things like chase me down the hall which only leads to her breaking her pinky toe on my sneaker! and she also loves to attack me in the dark (while singing Hands in my Pocket!!!!!!!!) She scares me but I love her!

Dave (a.k.a. David!) Wonderful indeed. This guy will talk his way out of anything! He's got the whole 'confusing people with words' thing down to an art...well some people anyway! David enjoys baking in his spare time...favourite saying? = "Hah!" :)

Linsey (a.k.a. "Harris") Linsey is always singing! Her dream is to record a CD someday! She too is always laughing and loves to show off her hat collection! She's a great person to be around as long as there are no "hot chocolate machines" involved!! (always read the instructions Lins!)

Ben (a.k.a. "Benji") Where in the world do I start? Ben cracks me up! He is so much fun to be around! He comes out with the funniest things really! I'm so proud because Ben got one of the leading roles in the musical this year! (I ah, might have helped him with his audition.... although, he did get the part of a mute!?!?!?) Whatever, I'm still proud! Yeah, I'm a bit of a mom! But he doesn't complain about the cookies or brownies he 'often' receives!

Jeff (a.k.a. "Echo Man") Jeff is a blast! He does a really cool echo thing with his voice! It's awesome! We all say that hanging out with him is just like being with Will Ferrell (he looks and acts just like him!). We really enjoy being with Jeff...that is if we can pull him away from the "O Magazine"!

Evan (a.k.a. "Best Friend") Evan plays E. Guitar on my worship team...somehow we started hanging out and now (he thinks) we're best friends! Ha! He's a lot of fun! It's great having someone who can dish back the sarcasm!

Andria and Michelle (a.k.a. "The Freaks Across The Hall") Haha These girl are great! They create many laughs for all of us! Andria and her monologues! Michelle and her...self!
Our floor just wouldn't be the same without them!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Fun Times at DQ...well most of us were having fun!

Yeah, I'm still a freak but at least I'm not the only one!

Bonfire Fun! (who the heck came up with the name "bonfire"?)

Ok, so "bonfire" was a bit of an overstatement but we were "working with what we had" ok!

So, Janet and I tend to be a little lame when we're together! Here we are trying to balance ourselves on a log while pretending to jump into the fire!...I don't know it made sense in our heads at the time...WE WERE HAVING FUN OK!!!!!