This picture cracks me up because Janet looks as though she just won this car on the "Price is Right"! We were having too much fun! We needed to bring down my stress level somehow...(that story will be told in the next blog! but I will say this, sometimes I really wonder if I'm blonde!!)
We decided that McDonald's was a good choice! yeah, of course those of you who were anywhere near me this summer know my "Big Mac" issue...luckily, I did not get a big mac! Remember when I told you (in previous blogs) that Janet and I were really lame when we got together?????....yeah well, now there's three of us! (Jan's behind the cam!) So yeah, back to the car eh! Does this mean anyhing to anyone out there? Personally, I don't see what's so spectacular but this is my gift to all you guys out there that get some sort of thrill out of looking under people's hoods!
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