Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm Beating Them Off Like Crazy!!

That's right folks I'm picking up already! How's that for a record -A guy from upstairs baked me double chocolate "heart-shaped" cookies!! That's right. Look closely...yes indeed they are heart-shaped! After confessing his undying love, serenading me with song, sweeping me off my feet into the anyone else's gag reflex kicking in as strongly as mine yet? haha ok so, everything was true accept the whole 'confessing his undying love for me'...and maybe the part where I said he 'serenaded me with song'...ok, so the only truthful part was that he baked me cookies! I have a picture to prove it!

Here we are! Me and "Tyker" with our cookies! I was super impressed that he would go through the trouble of making these cookies all for me and he even formed them into little hearts because he didn't have a cookie cutter. I mean that is dedication my friends. This is....ok, ok, ok!!! I can't go on any longer with these lies! The truth is, these cookies were not just for me. I was just trying to add some excitement to my life for you all! hahaha? Here's the truth!

Tyler actually made these cookies for me and Janet!...we might have asked for them but not really. We like to leave Tyler little notes around his room when he's not there! (Like I said earlier, we're lame when we're together!!) So yeah, we left him a little note saying that he owed us heart-shaped cookies for our 2 Month Anniversary! (We don't actually know the date, we just made it up!)

We were so impressed (yet shocked) that he actualy made these cookies! Did I mention that he's taking a Modular this week and he's in class from 8-4pm! Yeah that's right but this is indeed True Friendship! I hope that you all learn something from this! Two months (almost) of this wonderful friendship between the three of us and we get the love of a friend through heart-shaped cookies (DOUBLE CHOCOLATE)! How long have some of you known me? I have never in my life received cookies from any of you! haha I'm only kidding! This was hilarious!


Janet Perry said...

Pff!! Trying to "photoshop" me outof the picture! Trying to get all those scruptious double chocolate cookes for herself!! Thank you for finally telling the truth, Chantal! haha! jk!

Anonymous said...

Hey fatty! Wow that kinda goes with your whole cookie theme! Ha! Glad to see that you are having so much fun. Just remember that while you were enjoying "Tyker's" cookies.....we were enjoying your Mom's chocolate cake!! WE WIN!!!
Debra-Lee :)
Love Ya!!