Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lil' Bit of A Situation Here

So um, yeah, this pic really needs so much explaining yet, none at all. So um, yeah....our tree fell down. I um, decorated it and finished at around 1am only to have my dad knock it down at 3am. Loads of fun my friends! haha The whole thing was rather amusing really...I was already in bed when it happened but I heard everything. I thought for a moment that maybe Santa had come early!!!!!!!Anyway, I heard the sound of the tree and ornaments hitting the carpet, followed by my dad yelling to my mom and explaining how the tree fell. After that came the snickering from my brother as he sat only inches away from me on my computer while trying to remain quiet for fear of waking me up. And then comes the lovely "talk" my dad tries to have with me the next morning....I spared him the agony and blurted out, "You knocked the tree down didn't you dad". As he stared at me with this sad, blank look in his eyes, I couldn't help but burst into laughter over the matter! He quickly joined me as I expalined that I didn't care at all and I would have that puppy decorated again in no time! Ah, and here it is again. A bit tathered due to its fall but still so beautiful. haha


Jacquie Lynn said...

That's hilarious! Beautiful tree by the way. I am jealous because I did not get the opportunity to decorate a tree this year! *tear*

Daryl Ferguson said...

Ok, for my first comment on Chantal's blog, the Christmas tree seems like a good one :). I find this rather amusing as the specifics of how exactly the tree was knocked over are missing- leaving room for interpretation. So, I'm picturing something like the movie "Elf". This really loses something if you haven't seen it, but I'm picturing a giant green-suited Santa's-Elf leaping to the top of the tree- using a couch as a trampoline, in an attempt to place the angel on the very top. Then of course the elf pulls the whole tree down on top of himself. Not knowing Chantal's dad, I can't be positive, but I'm pretty sure it went something like that :).